

Reduce Their Risk Of Osteoporosis

Calcium To Reduce Osteoporosis Risk Factor In Older People
When patients properly follow their osteoporosis treatment (compliance rate of at least 80%), the fracture of osteoporosis risk factors is reduced.

Avoid Osteoporosis Risk Factors
Osteoporosis Risk Factors Increased by Breast Cancer Chemotherapy ? Some chemotherapy for breast cancer cause rapid bone loss and sometimes considerable.

Risk For Osteoporosis, Am I ?
Other risk factors are known as heredity, being 45 years before menopause, a history of fracture or prolonged treatment with cortisone.

Medication Prescribed For Diabetics Could Help Osteoporosis
Insufficient calcium intake in childhood increases the osteoporosis risk factor in adulthood, according to a report by the Academy.

With menopause, the hormone production is scarce and the bones begin to weaken.
Result, the risk of osteoporosis increases, especially if there are personal and family history (fracture, settlement).

Fill calcium

Dairy products and foods rich in calcium should be given, while maintaining a healthy balance. If calcium is essential for bones, do not forget vitamin D, which helps to bind calcium.

Where to find calcium?
  • Dairy products: milk cows, goats and sheep, hard cheeses and soft cheese , cheese or lean.
  • Mineral water rich in calcium
  • Fish, crustaceans and shellfish: salmon, sardines, gurnard, flounder, eel, shrimp, mussels, oysters, clams, clams, periwinkles, etc
  • Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, almond milk
  • Fruits and vegetables: oranges, figs, dates, raisins, kale, broccoli, spinach, beans, chickpeas, lentils
  • Soy products: tofu.
  • Be careful not to eat too much salt because salt promotes the release of calcium in the urine.
To improve his lifestyle

Stop smoking, limit alcohol and coffee. Practice regular physical activity at least equivalent to approximately 30 to 45 minutes of brisk walking.

All sports are they equivalent ?

The most important thing is to move often. Then you must know that the sports' in charge 'are preferred to fight against the osteoporosis. These are activities that require them to carry his body, ie those which require the skeleton to resist forces such as walking, running or other activities that involve jumping, for example.

In contrast, swimming or cycling are not particularly recommended because they do not carry the weight of the body, even if they are complete sports and also very interesting.

Dare you regularly measure a size which decreases gradually as we advance in age may reflect osteoporosis.


How To Prevent Osteoporosis In Natural Way ?

Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?
Women wishing to prevent osteoporosis. For this, they must make informed decisions about their activities to promote health.

Better Understanding To Prevent Osteoporosis
How, according to Ayurvedic medicine, can we even prevent osteoporosis ? Avoid consuming foods that are not compatible with each other, for example, ...

Prevent Osteoporosis : A New Approach
The case of polyphenols, equipped with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, which could help prevent osteoporosis bone loss.

lThe osteoporosis is a disease that is
lcharacterized by decreased bone mass
land deterioration of the bone that
lbecomes more fragile and therefore more
lat risk of fracture.
lThe usual prevention of osteoporosis is
llimited to advising an increase in the
linflow of calcium and vitamin D. Insufficient
laction to be supplemented by regular
lconsumption of fruits and vegetables.
lAction is confirmed by several studies
lshowing a low probability of osteoporosis
lin populations consuming large quantities
lof plants.
lMore by their rich antioxidant components,
lthey have a sparing effect of bone calcium.
lMaintain acid-base balance
lFruits and vegetables are of obvious
linterest since they possess, thanks to
ltheir high content of organic salts of
lpotassium, a high capacity alcalinisation.
lThey can help the body to neutralize acid
lproduction and to fight against chronic
lacidosis as bone demineralization.
lDairy Alternative
lNumerous studies have shown that fruits
land vegetables possess remarkable
lvirtues in preventing many diseases,
lincluding the osteoporosis, and the fight
lagainst aging.
lThese fibers, minerals and trace elements,
lvitamins, antioxidants and other
lmicronutrients. All these elements form a
lharmonious ensemble acting in synergy in
lthe body to secure the most beneficial.
lPhysical Activity
lAccording to the daily Jornal do Brasil ",
lthe physical activity can promote the
lrecovery of bone mass lost by
lA group of women aged 45 to 77 years
lhas followed this program for two years in
l80% of them there was a gain of bone

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