steoporosis is a society that is aging, increasingly a major problem. The bone loss, such as osteoporosis in the vernacular is called, affects mainly people aged 65 While there are no patent recipes, the disease is to prevent or halt, but some recommendations.For osteoporosis patients may already small bumps like loose cables or thresholds to be nasty traps. The bones are made of beams and bones from an inner skeleton, in whose interstices is the bone marrow.
In osteoporosis patients break bones individual beams and there are large voids. The result: The bones are so porous and fragile that even small loads they no longer can lift and break.
The disease especially true for people over 65 years. From 75 years increases the risk of osteoporosis strongly. Every fifth woman about 80 years suffers from the disease.
The main bone material is calcium. The more calcium contains a bone, the denser it is. The density is for the stability of the bone responsible. In children and adults will always be new bone structure.
With about 30 years, the highest stability and density of the bones achieved. With approximately 50 years of accelerating bone re-sorption.
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