

Osteoporosis : We must Still Inform

any women are unaware they are suffering from osteoporosis. The disease under-diagnosed, and hence under-treated, causing yet more than 130 000 fractures each year in France.

Jean Wactawski-Wende of the University of Buffalo in the USA, followed 836 women she osteodensitometrie subject to a systematic review that measures bone mineral density and ask whether the diagnosis of osteoporosis .

More than half of them actually suffered from the disease. But one year after the exam, one in four women had not informed his doctor treating the outcome of the review. And half had still not begun treatment to slow the progression of the disease.

In addition, many women at risk for osteoporosis do not make a osteodensitometrie. According to Jean Wactawski-Wende, "we must improve and intensify the education of women but also doctors."

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Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?
Learn how your lifestyle can prevent loss of bone mass and reduce your osteoporosis risk of suffering painful fractures. Bone is living tissue
Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu
If the role of calcium and vitamin D is more to demonstrate in osteoporosis prevention
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium
Insufficient calcium intake in childhood increases the osteoporosis risk factor in adulthood, according to a report by the Academy published Monday in the
Medication Prescribed For Diabetics Could Help Osteoporosis
The discovery could explain why diabetics are at increased osteoporisis risk of fractures


Osteoporosis: "The Landscape Is Changing"

steoporosis is each year in France, more than 50 000 osteoporosis fractures hip. One in four women died within one year and 60% will never return to completely autonomous.

Today every woman aged over 50 has a three chance of making a osteoporosis fracture of this type, during the 35 years he left to live.

Present at the show of medicine, Médec, Dr. Elisabeth Confavreux of the Edouard Herriot hospital in Lyon says that the landscape is changing and that new hopes are emerging.

"There is a hope of detecting the osteoporosis risk of fracture. Everyone is concerned, nobody has to escape. It can indeed detect the osteoporosis risk of fracture, this is fundamental, as well as taking measures to prevent fractures which will jeopardize the quality of life of women with osteoporosis, "said she.

But now osteoporosis screening is still not supported. Elisabeth Confavreux was still some hope. "For the moment it is difficult in financial terms, not in terms of the examination which is extremely quick and painless.

The osteodensitometrie will soon be taken care of and therefore accessible to all. "This examination can determine and predict precisely the risk of osteoporosis fracture at more or less long term.

In this case, it is possible to treat women. For Elisabeth Confavreux treatment s'envisage on two points.

"Either it is a preventive measure, ie it prevents the loss of bone and helps keep her bone. This is fundamental. Either you have a low bone mineral density and in this case it is absolutely necessary to avoid fractures in the long term.

"And as recalled Dr. Confavreux," today we have weekly treatments easy to take, not too binding and effective. "

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Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention For Fracture
result of a fracture without significant impact, 80% received a diagnosis of osteoporosis fracture
Men And Osteoporosis
With age, men undergo repeated vertebral fractures. As for women, the cause of osteoporosis fractures appears to be the same ...
Osteoporosis Prevention, Make Early Detection
Persons aged 65 and older who have made hospitalized as a result of osteoporosis hip fractures between 1968 and 1998 .
Excluded Osteoporosis Diagnostic That Choose
It is refunded if the answer to defined criteria, ie in case of X-ray osteoporosis symptoms and signs, history of osteoporosis fracture without major trauma, ...
Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu
higher bone mass and better resistance to osteoporosis fracture at the end of life." Experiments are underway to confirm or refute these effects in humans.


Osteoporosis : Daily Injection For Strong Bones ?

he Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just affix his seal on a few current treatment of osteoporosis.Few current and leaving pensive, since it is a daily injection in the thigh or abdomen….

The Teriparatide, extracted from the parathyroid hormone that regulates calcium levels in the blood, has been tested for 19 months on a cohort of 1 600 and postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

With good results, as a result of a daily injection bone mineral density measured at vertebral bones and in the basin has been significantly increased after treatment.

This substance would have shown much higher and the treatment received by the control group, and based on a supplemental calcium and vitamin D. A treatment that the state of the art currently is not what is most effective…

However, the effectiveness of Teriparatide being established, its use is permitted today… under control. For it is not devoid of risks.

The FDA cites studies that effect, carried out on rats have shown an increased risk of osteosarcoma, a bone cancer admittedly rare but serious. No cases have been found in humans but the agency stressed that "the risk can not be totally ruled out."

Now whether any patients are ready to make herself each day an injection in the thigh or abdomen.

If the discovery is the delight of researchers who boast the elegance of its mode of action, clinicians them - rheumatologists or general - remain skeptical. We must also say that they are the ones who must care for sick…

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An Osteoporosis Medication Is Effective In Preventing Breast Cancer
An Osteoporosis Medication Is Effective In Preventing Breast Cancer. A. n osteoporosis drug used to treat osteoporosis has halved the risk of developing ...
Non-hormonal Osteoporosis Treatment
The estrogen still have other significant effects: they are involved in the osteoporosis treatment (bone decalcification), a disease which suffer more than ...
New Osteoporosis Treatment That Could Regenerate Bones
The vast majority of osteoporosis treatment are currently controlling the process of bone resorption. Salaries promoting the manufacture of bones are found, ...
Osteoporosis Treatment : When Patients Choose It
"This means a minimum of organisation and accommodation for patients starting osteoporosis treatment," he says. The arrival of a new drug that can be taken ...
Vitamin D, Osteoporosis Treatment That Essential
In this context, remember that vitamin D is an essential element in the osteoporosis treatment because it allows the body to absorb calcium foods or ...


Avandia Promote Osteoporosis

drug commonly prescribed to diabetics could make bones thinner and more fragile. The discovery could explain why diabetics are at increased risk of osteoporosis

New research suggests that treating diabetes long-term basis Rosiglitazone, sold under the brand name Avandia, is likely to lead to osteoporosis. The diabetes is used to stimulate response to insulin.

Some American researchers have discovered in laboratory mice, that the drug speeds up the activity of cells that cause bone loss, said a report released online at the website of Nature Medicine.

Avandia has recently been cautioned about the risk of heart failure in some patients. GlaxoSmithKline, which markets the drug, has already acknowledged that a study had found an increased risk of osteoporosis fracture in women taking the drug. But the latest report is the first to attempt to explain the relationship between diabetes and fractures.

This discovery will better understand the challenges associated with long-term treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes, and guide the development of a "new generation" of drugs to eliminate this side effect, according to the authors of the report .

The research was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the National Institutes of Health.

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Osteoporosis: A Drug Named Sport
Osteoporosis: A Drug Named Sport. T. he figures of osteoporosis are simmering. With the extension of life expectancy, the disease has become a major health ...
Non-hormonal Osteoporosis Treatment
Have been shown to significantly increase bone density of the vertebrae, wrists and hips, to quickly and significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis fracture
Some Osteoporosis Statistics
The osteoporosis fractures are the cause of a greater number of deaths among women
Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention For Fracture
Result of a fracture without significant impact, 80% received a diagnosis of osteoporosis fracture
Men And Osteoporosis
With age, men undergo repeated vertebral fractures. As for women, the cause of osteoporosis fractures appears to be the same ...


Half Of Transplant Spain Patients Suffer From Osteoporosis

second patient who underwent organ transplant suffering from osteoporosis in 6 to 12 months after the operation, as highlighted in a recent press release of Roche laboratory-Farma in Spain.

The advanced age, the deficit prior bone mineral density added to the anti-release would be the main osteoporosis risk factors for the development of bone diseases.

As explained by Dr. Jose Maria Campistol of Renal Transplant Unit of the hospital in Barcelona, "once the graft accepted, and the patient's life put out of danger, our concern focuses on improving the quality of life of these people and thus lower risk of osteoporosis "

As such, it is necessary to find new treatments replacing the use of steroids, produces toxic to the bone. Indeed, the use of these steroids is dangerous for bone structure.

They weaken bones and reduce their training. In addition, if the patient does not have a good bone, administration of anti-rejection may cause bone diseases and pathological fractures.

" However, corticosteroids are not solely responsible. Other osteoporosis drugs such inhibitors promote bone imbalances. Indeed, experts have concluded in the necessity of fighting against treatments for osteoporosis patients transplanted.

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Osteoporosis Risk Test
If you answered yes to any of these osteoporosis risk questions, you are more likely to be suffering from osteoporosis. Consult a doctor and to measure your ...
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium
Insufficient calcium intake in childhood increases the osteoporosis risk factor in adulthood, according to a report by the Academy published Monday in the
Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?
Learn how your lifestyle can prevent loss of bone mass and reduce your osteoporosis risk of suffering painful fractures. Bone is living tissue
Risk For Osteoporosis, Am I ?
Based on these data, each can measure their risk of osteoporosis. Just subtract, weight measured in kilograms, age measured in years, the figure thus ...
Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu
So much so that their eyes, "the impact of osteoporosis diet on the metabolism skeletal opens today towards a genuine nutritional prevention."


Antioxidants : Effective Method Againts Osteoporosis ?

y reducing the amount of antioxidants present in the bone, lack of estrogen is the main osteoporosis cause, a disease of the bone degeneration, according to a study conducted on rodents by the team headed by Professor Chambers the medical school at Saint Georges Hospital (London), recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Professor Chambers and his colleagues in the department of cellular pathology observed that an oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) the quantity of two major antioxidant present in the bone marrow of mice declined sharply.

The latter would be returned to normal after an injection of estrogen "estradiol 17B."
Moreover, the administration of other antioxidants (N-acetyl-cysteine and ascorbate) promoting the development of the first two cancelled the effects of oophorectomy on bones.

Osteoporosis was recently ranked second in its list of major health problems by the World Health Organization (WHO). The researchers believe that other studies have come to confirm their results before that postmenopausal women, particularly affected by this disease, did throw on nutritional supplements (NAC) or vitamin C (ascorbate).

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Excluded Osteoporosis Diagnostic That Choose
The government has decided to facilitate the detection of osteoporosis causes in the ... without major trauma, disease or osteoporosis treatment may cause ...
Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention
One-third of men following a corticosteroid suffered a fracture after 5 to 10 years of osteoporosis Osteoporosis Treatment : When Patients Choose It
"This means a minimum of organisation and accommodation for patients starting osteoporosis treatment," he says. The arrival of a new drug that can be taken ...
Non-hormonal Osteoporosis Treatment
The estrogen still have other significant effects: they are involved in the osteoporosis treatment
Vitamin D, Osteoporosis Treatment That Essential
In this context, remember that vitamin D is an essential element in the osteoporosis treatment because it allows the body to absorb calcium foods or ...


Men Osteoporosis Affects After 50 Years, Study

he study by researchers at the University and University Hospital Geneva highlights the correlation between men osteoporosis and changes in gene sequence LRP5, said Le Temps in an article published on May 18.

The results of research conducted with 889 people (approximately 50% of men and 50% female), were published in The American Journal of Human Genetics this month.

Among men with osteoporosis, LRP5 gene responsible for the synthesis of a protein found on cells that allow the creation bone (osteoblasts) was amended. This link is not verifiable in women.

Two adjacent studies were conducted on 350 children and over a hundred men over 50 suffer from osteoporosis early. They have to verify the results.

According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is a major health problem among seniors. Caused by the loss of bone density and alteration of the micro-architecture of bones, this disease is responsible for numerous fractures, especially hip, spine and wrist.

During his life one in two women may be affected by osteoporosis, an osteoporosis caused by a decrease in estrogen after menopause and the constant rate of corticosteroids. In humans, the genetic factors that explain the disease of fragile bones. It can also result from the treatment or the failure of certain glands.

This new discovery could help identify people at risk but the remark Professor Ferrari, co-responsible for the study, "it is always difficult to replace the natural product of a gene with a drug. We are moving towards a therapy nevertheless a new genre. "

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The IOF has therefore decided that the World Day against osteoporosis 2004 (October 20) will focus on men osteoporosis. ...
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A Step Against Osteoporosis And Breast Cancer

he identification of genes that can cause osteoporosis and breast cancer progresses slowly, came to explain François Rousseau, a professor at Laval University and scientific director, molecular genetics at the company SignalGene, at the third annual symposium on Variation Human Genetics, which took place in Philadelphia in October.

It is known that genetic factors account for 80% of the risk of osteoporosis in women, but the challenge remains the identification of these genes.

Dr. Rousseau was able to identify two genetic variations responsible for increasing bone loss and response qu'auront patients with hormone replacement. We will know more in a few months, when more complete results will be published.

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Some Osteoporosis Statistics
67% of Quebecers do not consider themselves personally at developing osteoporosis risk
Osteoporosis Risk Test
If you answered yes to any of these osteoporosis risk questions, you are more likely to be suffering from osteoporosis. Consult a doctor and to measure your ...
Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu
If the role of calcium and vitamin D is more to demonstrate in osteoporosis prevention
Medication Prescribed For Diabetics Could Help Osteoporosis
The discovery could explain why diabetics are at increased osteoporisis risk of fractures


Medication Prescribed For Diabetics Could Help Osteoporosis

drug commonly prescribed to diabetics could make bones thinner and more fragile. The discovery could explain why diabetics are at increased osteoporisis risk of fractures.

New research suggests that treating diabetes long-term basis Rosiglitazone, sold under the brand name Avandia, is likely to lead to osteoporosis. The diabetes is used to stimulate response to insulin.

Some American researchers have discovered in laboratory mice, that the drug speeds up the activity of cells that cause bone loss, said a report released online at the website of Nature Medicine.

Avandia has recently been cautioned about the risk of heart failure in some patients. GlaxoSmithKline, which markets the drug, has already acknowledged that a study had found an increased osteoporosis risk of fracture in women taking the drug. But the latest report is the first to attempt to explain the relationship between diabetes and fractures.

This discovery will better understand the challenges associated with long-term treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes, and guide the development of a "new generation" of drugs to eliminate this side effect, according to the authors of the report .

The research was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the National Institutes of Health.

Related Post :
Some Osteoporosis Statistics
67% of Quebecers do not consider themselves personally at developing osteoporosis risk
Osteoporosis Risk Test
If you answered yes to any of these osteoporosis risk questions, you are more likely to be suffering from osteoporosis. Consult a doctor and to measure your ...
Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?
Learn how your lifestyle can prevent loss of bone mass and reduce your osteoporosis risk of suffering painful fractures. Bone is living tissue
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium
Insufficient calcium intake in childhood increases the osteoporosis risk factor in adulthood, according to a report by the Academy published Monday in the
Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu
If the role of calcium and vitamin D is more to demonstrate in osteoporosis prevention


Osteoporosis Diet: Citrus, Olives And… Phyto-estrogens On Menu

f the role of calcium and vitamin D is more to demonstrate in preventing osteoporosis, what about plant products ?

According to researchers at the INRA, the consumption of citrus, olives and olive oil would also be beneficial to the skeleton. In any case, in mice.

They highlighted in this animal, the effectiveness of two polyphenols hitherto ignored: hesperidine citrus, and oleuropeine of the olive tree. So much so that their eyes, "the impact of osteoporosis diet on the metabolism skeletal opens today towards a genuine nutritional prevention."

The authors have shown the other hand, that "animals exposed to the phyto-estrogens during the prenatal period have a higher bone mass and better resistance to osteoporosis fracture at the end of life." Experiments are underway to confirm or refute these effects in humans.

Osteoporosis Prevention, Make Early Detection

panoramic view through dental X-ray of a patient's mouth can be a useful tool for diagnose osteoporosis in the spine.

According to Japanese researcher Akira Tagushi, department of maxillo-facial radiology at the University of Hiroshima, this technique can show that a patient has decreased bone mass density.

Since osteoporosis is a silent disease, showing no osteoporosis symptoms, the possibility of identifying the problem as soon as possible is another good reason for osteoporosis prevention.

To demonstrate that panoramic dental X-rays can be used to detect low bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women, Akira Tagushi has been monitoring 316 postmenopausal women who showed no osteoporosis symptoms.

Participants were divided into two groups: 157 had undergone a hysterectomy or ovariectomy, or had taken estrogen, while 159 others had no such history.

It took panoramic dental X-rays for all participants and assessed the state of cortical bone and width of their jaw after X-rays. The results indicated that women whose bones were eroded cortical should undergo tests DMO further.

At present, we rely heavily on questionnaires screening to identify women in need of BMD tests more accurate. The new study found that dental x-rays were just as effective as screening questionnaires.

The assessment of the state of cortical bone from the dental x-rays helped identify 87% of women with osteoporosis in the spine in the group without a history of hysterectomy, oophorectomy and " œstrogenotherapie.

This proportion was 80% in the other group. The questionnaire, it would detect 87% of cases of osteoporosis in women with no history and 72% of cases among women with history, "said Tagushi.

According to the researcher, dental X-rays are not as specific as questionnaires screening, especially if menopausal women are not well informed about osteoporosis or interested little problem.

However, since taking panoramic X-rays to diagnose problems dental and jaw is part of routine clinical practice throughout the world, the dentist could also examine the state of the mandibular cortical bone and recommend tests for women who DMO in need, advises he says.

Dentists and patients have an interest in becoming more attentive to the issues of osteoporosis. Another recent research on the disease shows that mortality rates due to hip fractures have not decreased in the last 20 years.

The staticien Stephen E Roberts and Professor of Public Health Michael J Goldacre, Oxford University, were followed by 32 590 persons aged 65 and older who have made hospitalized as a result of osteoporosis hip fractures between 1968 and 1998 .

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Osteoporosis Prevention And Treatment For Fracture
Canadians say menopausal take osteoporosis prevention therapy against the osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium. In the USA, children over eight years not taking enough calcium, an element essential to healthy bones. ...
Non-hormonal Osteoporosis Treatment
In Belgium, hormonal substitutes may perhaps soon be prescribed to reduce the symptoms of menopause and / or osteoporosis prevention. Other therapies exist. ...
Calcium : Antidote To Osteoporosis Prevention
The solution: Include 2 to 4 servings of dairy products in our daily menu, an issue for osteoporosis prevention. The role of calcium in the body ...


Non-hormonal Osteoporosis Treatment

n Belgium, hormonal substitutes may perhaps soon be prescribed to reduce the symptoms of menopause and / or osteoporosis prevention. Other therapies exist.

The substitution hormonal form of estrogen therapy is administered to women at the age of menopause in order to facilitate the transition period.

The estrogen still have other significant effects: they are involved in the osteoporosis treatment (bone decalcification), a disease which suffer more than 600,000 Belgians.

A figure which may increase because of population ageing, but also changes in eating habits (less milk, soft drinks). Yet the Belgian medical authorities are currently working with other European Union countries in order to modify the information and records of osteoporosis drugs in question.

Several recent studies show that this osteoporosis hormone therapy increases the risk of breast cancer, as announced by the office of Health Minister Rudy Demotte.

Non-hormonal osteoporosis treatment
Currently, there are osteoporosis treatments that are not based on hormonal replacement. Bisphosphonates and calcitonins, for example, have been shown to significantly increase bone density of the vertebrae, wrists and hips, to quickly and significantly reduce the risk of osteoporosis fracture.

Note that a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and exercise are valuable aids to combat osteoporosis.

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Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention
One-third of men following a corticosteroid suffered a fracture after 5 to 10 years of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis Treatment : When Patients Choose It
"This means a minimum of organisation and accommodation for patients starting osteoporosis treatment," he says. The arrival of a new drug that can be taken ...
Vitamin D, Osteoporosis Treatment That Essential
In this context, remember that vitamin D is an essential element in the osteoporosis treatment because it allows the body to absorb calcium foods or ...
Excluded Osteoporosis Diagnostic That Choose
The government has decided to facilitate the detection of osteoporosis causes in the ... without major trauma, disease or osteoporosis treatment may cause ...


Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention For Fracture

nly 20% of Canadians who suffer a osteoporosis fracture without much impact are subject to further investigation, is a measure of bone density (osteodensitometrie).

It knows that this type of osteoporosis fracture reflects a high risk of suffering from other severe fractures during his life.

Among Canadians who underwent osteodensitometrie as a result of a fracture without significant impact, 80% received a diagnosis of osteoporosis fracture.

The systematic screening arise when such fractures could allow a very cost-effective preventive intervention, both in terms of suffering spared that savings social realizes.

Only 14% of Canadians say menopausal take osteoporosis prevention therapy against the osteoporosis. Yet 79% of Canadian women who do not follow preventive therapy long term say they would do, if they were recommended by their medicine.

Quebecers are drinking 15% less milk in 1971. The power of women aged 35 and over this deficiency dairy products, which are a major source of calcium and vitamin D.

Physical Exercise
A survey conducted jointly by Health and Kino Quebec-Quebec in 1996 shows that only 26% of women 25 to 44 years are physically active.

Men and osteoporosis
In the course of his life, a man faces a risk of 30% to undergo an osteoporosis fracture.

One-third of men who suffer a hip fracture dies within one year after the fracture, only 41% of survivors recover their functional capabilities earlier. One-third of men following a corticosteroid suffered a fracture after 5 to 10 years of osteoporosis treatment.

Related Post :
Some Osteoporosis Statistics
The osteoporosis fractures are the cause of a greater number of deaths among women
Excluded Osteoporosis Diagnostic That Choose
It is refunded if the answer to defined criteria, ie in case of X-ray osteoporosis symptoms and signs, history of osteoporosis fracture without major trauma, disease or osteoporosis treatment may cause ...
Men And Osteoporosis
With age, men undergo repeated vertebral fractures. As for women, the cause of osteoporosis fractures appears to be the same ...Osteoporosis Treatment : New Packaging Boxes Of Medicines ..

Some Osteoporosis Statistics

ere are some statistics that highlight, among other things, the fact that the trend towards avoidance is real.

Osteoporosis prevalence and socio-economic consequences
At 50 years and older, one in four women and one in eight men would be suffering from osteoporosis, or nearly 400 000 Quebecoises and 125 000 Quebecois.

The osteoporosis fractures are the cause of a greater number of deaths among women than ovarian cancer and breast cancer reunis.

It is estimated that occurs 76 000 osteoporosis fractures, a year in Canada, including 21 000 fractures of the hanche. In Quebec, this represents more than 15 000 fractures related to osteoporosis, or about a fracture to 30 minutes.

The hip fracture results in a mortality rate of 10 to 40%, and among survivors, a permanent disability rate of about 50% 2.7. Cost of health care associated with osteoporosis, Canada, for the year 1993: $ 1.3 billion 2. In Quebec, this represents over 300 million, or approximately $ 10 per second.

Understanding perception of osteoporosis risk
Only 46% of Canadian women suffering from osteoporosis is considered at risk before receiving the diagnostic.

67% of Quebecers do not consider themselves personally at developing osteoporosis risk (the highest rate, by far, Canada).

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Osteoporosis Risk Test
If you answered yes to any of these osteoporosis risk questions, you are more likely to be suffering from osteoporosis.
Risk For Osteoporosis, Am I ?
Based on these data, each can measure their osteoporosis risk. Just subtract, weight measured in kilograms, ...
Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?
Learn how your lifestyle can prevent loss of bone mass and reduce your osteoporosis risk of suffering painful fractures.
Osteoporosis Prevention Childhood by Calcium
Insufficient calcium intake in childhood increases the osteoporosis risk factor in adulthood, according to a report by the Academy


Calcium To Reduce Osteoporosis Risk Factor In Older People

new Australian study published in the journal The Lancet and conducted by the University of Western Sydney (UWS) on 63,000 people aged 50 and older, showed that taking calcium alone or associated with vitamin D, reduced by almost one quarter fractures osteoporosis risk factors among older people, thus improving their quality of daily life.

According to Dr. Benjamin Tang, a researcher in charge of the study, released the results confirm the role of calcium in osteoporosis prevention.

"This survey clearly shows that calcium supplements reduce the rate of fracture and bone loss among the elderly" he says in the release of the university.

Thus, when patients properly follow their osteoporosis treatment (compliance rate of at least 80%), the fracture of osteoporosis risk factors is reduced by 24%. For those less stringent, the benefit of treatment is divided by two.

The best results were achieved with daily doses of 1,200 mg of calcium combined with 800 international units of vitamin D.

To reduce the osteoporosis risk factors, "it is important to start the process relatively early, from age 50, when bone mineral loss begins to accelerate," said Dr Tang.

He added that the positive effects of this osteoporosis treatment increases with age. It is particularly necessary in people aged 70 and over, "a group at high risk of fractures that can lead to permanent disability sharply deteriorating quality of life or death"

Dentists Could Detect Osteoporosis

project for a period of three years funded by the European Union found that dental X-rays could be used to detect osteoporosis, a depletion of bone disease.

The researchers found that measuring the thickness of a portion of the lower jaw of a patient through a software developed by the team, dentists could easily identify the osteoporosis risk factors in men and women.

According to this study, osteoporosis affects almost 15% of Western women in their fifties, 22% in sixties and 38.5% in the seventy. 70% of women aged over 80 years present a risk.

The disease carries a high risk of bone fractures and the risk of osteoporotis fractures among men is almost as important than females.

Seizing the seriousness of the "silent epidemic" of osteoporosis, Member States have attempted to improve the identification of persons at osteoporosis risk factors. However, high costs and lack of equipment and specialized personnel make impossible any screening for the disease on a large scale.

Professor Keith Horner and Dr. Hugh Devlin of the University of Manchester have coordinated the project in collaboration with the universities of Athens, Leuven, Amsterdam and Malmo to develop an automated approach to detect the disease.

Researchers hope now that the X-ray equipment companies will seek to integrate software into their products so as to make it available for dentists. (CORDISNews)


An Osteoporosis Medication Is Effective In Preventing Breast Cancer

n osteoporosis drug used to treat osteoporosis has halved the risk of developing breast cancer in patients predisposed to develop the disease.

These new and surprising results were revealed by a study conducted by the U.S. government on a sample of 20,000 women.

The study found that the "Raloxifen", currently marketed for osteoporosis treatment, has the same pharmacological properties as "Tamoxifen" in the prevention of breast cancer among women of advanced age and prone to develop, but causes minor side effects, said the National Cancer Institute.

The new results show that Raloxifen can replace tamoxifen as the first option for preventing breast cancer among menopausal women with a high risk of developing the disease, said the institute.

The Tamoxifen is so far the only drug approved to reduce the possibilities that breast cancer affects women more prone to disease.

The two drugs are selective modulators in response to estrogen. " They act like the hormone estrogen in some tissues but as an anti-estrogen in others.

The Tamoxifen can be administered to life, although it caused few serious effects, like increasing the risk of cancer of the uterus or generate potentially fatal obstructions in the circulatory system.

The Raloxifen may cause the same effects, but not so, according to the study by the National Cancer Institute with an investment of 88 million.

Osteoporosis Prevention, BoneOsteoporosis Prevention, Bone Is Living Tissue Is Living Tissue

Osteoporosis Prevention, Bone Is Living Tissue

n Europe, a bone breaks every 30 seconds because of osteoporosis. Each year, nearly 1.5 million Americans aged over 50 suffer from fractures caused by this bone disease.

Bone is living tissue that is constantly regenerate throughout life. Peak bone mass is reached around the age of thirty years.

After that age, bone mass begins to decrease. Getting a good peak bone mass is important to reduce the osteoporosis risk factors later in life. This peak bone mass acts as a 'bone capital' used throughout the rest of adult life.

The team for bone calcium and vitamins D and K

A daily taken sufficient calcium is very important to have healthy bones. But osteoporosis is not only a problem of calcium. Calcium depends on vitamin D to be stored in the bones.

For many years, scientists have believed that the body's own production of vitamin D was sufficient to cover all the needs of humans. But a lack of light during the winter months and lack of outdoor exercise can lead to a deficiency of vitamin D.

When the body of this lack of sunshine vitamin, bones lose more and more their mineral content. Gradually, osteoporosis develops, increasing the risk of bone fracture.

Scientists have recognized this fact and recommend an increase in the daily dosage of vitamin D. The experts advise all adults - both young and older - to receive at least 800-1000 IU (20-25 micrograms) of vitamin D per day.

At the same time, new data also showed that vitamin K was an important partner for calcium and vitamin D in bone metabolism. The bone is well preserved only if the entire team, consisting of both calcium and vitamins, is active. To this end, fortified foods or supplements are essential. (presseportal)

Excluded Osteoporosis Diagnostic That Choose

ccording to one study, many patients are excluded from the reimbursement of radiological examination of osteoporosis because of too restrictive criteria.

The government has decided to facilitate the detection of osteoporosis causes in the fight against this disease, which particularly affects post-menopausal women and causing over 200 000 fractures of the femur neck vertebra or a year.

The X-ray examination measuring bone density will cost 39.96 euros. It is refunded if the answer to defined criteria, ie in case of X-ray osteoporosis symptoms and signs, history of fracture without major trauma, disease or treatment may cause osteoporosis.

For postmenopausal women, the rebate is granted in case of fracture, family history of hip fracture, taking steroids, menopause before age 40, low body mass index and endocrine disorders.

But a recent study shows that patients for whom the review is justified are excluded from reimbursement. It covered 471 patients (87% women). If 413 have been entitled to reimbursement, 58 others did not meet criteria for obtaining it.

The screening was nevertheless quite appropriate for them. Indeed, 57% showed an abnormal bone density: 17% had osteoporosis and 40% had bone depletion (osteopenia).

If these results are confirmed large-scale, it will consider re-evaluate the criteria for reimbursement of the exam. It was unclear how Social Security could justify depriving thousands of people, with the risk that many forgo the screening.


Preventing Osteoporosis And Keep Healthy Teeth

l women approaching menopause know and fear most transformations that they will live : changing the silhouette, osteoporosis risk factors, and so on. The state dental changes as well. Go and see your dentist to keep your smile!

At dental whats up after menopause ?

The aging affects all of our body tissues, including the hardest, like teeth. But environmental change is that menopause inevitably influences on the process.

Basically, everything changes: saliva is secreted to a lesser extent, the taste may deteriorate, caries have an unfortunate tendency to multiply, gums irritant more easily and all the tissues supporting the tooth 's weakens, increasing the risk of infections or dechaussements.

Osteoporosis of the jaw is also possible, making the adaptation of prostheses or the installation of implants difficult.

From the dentist gynecologist…

The regular dental examination is an absolute necessity. Cavities are not the exclusive preserve of children and aging makes them more sournoises because less painful.

But it is not just that. The health of the oral appliance is the guarantee of an adequate chewing, a perception taste good, good speech, a breath correct…

In the end, it allows warm smile and better appearance.
The observation by the dentist signs of degradation oral must grow to suggest, if not already done so, a gynecological consultation, to discuss a possible hormone replacement therapy.

… And vice versa!
When you go see your gynecologist to talk about menopause, also for your teeth and go see your dentist. We must see things in a positive way: it will be a good opportunity to really worry about yourself and take stock.

Calcium : Antidote To Osteoporosis

ccording to Health Canada, we consume 1.6 portion of dairy products per day. But to meet calcium needs of our organization, should be increased a little dose.

The solution: Include 2 to 4 servings of dairy products in our daily menu, an issue for osteoporosis prevention.

The role of calcium in the body
  • Calcium (Ca) is without doubt a mineral essential to our body. It is 2% of our body mass.
  • It is found in large quantities in our teeth and our bones.
  • It is also the level of muscle contraction, the functioning of the nervous system and blood clotting.
  • When the needs are there, bones provide the calcium you need if dietary intake is insufficient.
Osteoporosis: what we must observe
Several osteoporosis risk factors predispose us to a premature bone loss. It can act on some of them, but we have to deal with others. Below are the variables to consider.

What we can not control:
  • With age, women are more prone to bone loss.
  • The aging in men as in women is an important osteoporosis risk factors.
  • The decrease in estrogen at the natural or surgical menopause weakens bones.
  • Heredity.
  • The backbone: small constitutions are more fragile.
  • The race may influence susceptibility to osteoporosis.
What we can control:
  • The deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D by eating well.
  • A sedentary lifestyle: physical activity can prevent osteoporosis or delay the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Taking certain osteoporosis medications such as steroids, thyroid hormone, antacids containing aluminum.
  • Avoid alcohol abuse.
  • Avoid excessive caffeine.
  • Avoid smoking.
Dairy products key
The milk is without doubt our greatest source of natural calcium. Vitamin D is added a mandatory facilitate the absorption and use of calcium by our organization.

Regardless of the percentage of milk fat consumed, the calcium remains substantially equivalent.
The products derived from milk does not contain vitamin D, but are still excellent sources of calcium, especially yogurt and cheeses farm: cheddar, brick, and so on.

Osteoporosis Risk Factors Increased by Breast Cancer Chemotherapy ?

ome chemotherapy for breast cancer cause rapid bone loss and sometimes considerable.

Dr. Charles Shapiro and his team of University Medical Center in Ohio, just published in The Journal of Clinical Oncology a study which makes virtually chemotherapy in these osteoporosis risk factors

They followed 49 post-menopausal women not treated for breast cancer in phase I or II, ie fairly early.

Evaluating regular bone mineral density (BMD) of these patients - in 4 weeks, 6 months and one year of treatment - the authors noted that after one year, ovarian function had ceased at 71% of them . With the consequent emergence of the usual changes after menopause.

This development was certainly expected… but the authors were surprised by its proportions. In all these women, they have indeed seen a rapid bone loss and dramatic.

Focused mainly to the hips and spine, osteoporosis has emerged from the first six months of treatment. And it has continued to worsen until the 12 th month, when continued monitoring of these patients…

However, no similar phenomenon in patients whose ovarian function has remained… According to Shapiro "a woman post-menopausal untreated stores usually a bone loss of 1% to 2% per annum. But in our study, they have lost between 4 and 8 times more "...

Against Osteoporosis : Not Doing Anything

f the systematic use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) seems more topical in the aftermath of menopause, the self is not without risk neither. Some plants such as soybeans, are sometimes dangerous.

Menopause is not a disease, of course. This new stage of your life is accompanied by a real physiological changes, which contributes to osteoporosis symptoms.

What is it? From an imbalance in the renewal of your bone cells, which are deteriorating more than they regenerate. Silencieusement without any pain or other signs predictive, your bones become more porous, more fragile and therefore more brittle.

"Wrists broken vertebrae of settlement are common," warns Dr. Marie-Aline Limouzin-Lamothe, a gynecologist in Paris. Just as fractures hip in the elderly. Other fractures are more unexpected, such as those of the ankle or the collarbone. But they are very evocative. "
What has weapons there to fight against these diseases ? Recently, several studies have cautioned against the widespread use of HRT, previously recognized as the best preventive osteoporosis treatments that accompany this period of life.

At the outset, thousands of women in France have decided to stop their osteoporosis treatment.

Some have refused to take any other treatment, others have turned to alternative osteoporosis drugs. "A self should now channel, while 60% to 70% of women have used medicinal plants after they stop their HRT," complains Dr. Serge Rafal, a general practitioner in Paris.

"A diet rich in fruits and vegetables is very important. But soy for example, whose virtues are often vantées against hot flushes, also has a deleterious action on the breast. Abuse is potentially dangerous. Hence l 'Interest to talk to his doctor. Its role is crucial for not doing anything. "


Better Understanding Of Osteoporosis

hat is osteoporosis ?

This is a loss of bone density, which is manifested by widespread and persistent pain in the back, deformations linked to the vertebral, a decrease in size and sometimes fractures. They are the elderly who suffer the most.

What is the main osteoporosis risk factors ?
Each year osteoporosis is directly responsible for widespread fractures. But there are mostly fractures at the knee, wrist and hips.

Osteoporosis concerns she mainly women ?

No, not alone. Men are also affected by this disease. Modern medicine gives osteoporosis in women who suffer from hormonal imbalance.

She explained that at menopause, the production of estrogen drops and loss of bone density is increasing.

For modern medicine, these hormones are essential for training and protection of bone because they help keep their calcium. But in Ayurvedic medicine, that the disease is caused by the unbalanced meals as early as childhood.

If a young age since we do not consume enough dairy products which are beneficial for bones then on the side finally increase osteoporosis risk factors when entering the old days

How, according to Ayurvedic medicine, can we even prevent osteoporosis ?

Avoid consuming foods that are not compatible with each other, for example, we abstain from eating fish and milk during the same meal.

It is advisable to eat lots of fruits, vegetables, water at will, homemade cheese (paneer), drink milk and eat yogurt, preferably in the morning. The consumption of soft drinks should be avoided as it is known for decalcifier bones.

How to treat those already suffering from osteoporosis?

Some people suffer from a disorder of the process of absorption of food through the intestinal lining. Advocate of powdered zinc (bhasma) to correct the imbalance caused by a diet low in calcium.

In Ayurvedic medicine, there are three elements essential to the well-being of human beings. These are the Vata, Pitta and Kabha.

The taste is correlated with these three elements and that is why the Ayurvedic medicine recommends the use of spices in food preparation.

Men Osteoporosis: An Evil That Does Not Spare Men

t the World Congress of the International Foundation for Osteoporosis (IOF) held in Rio de Janeiro from 14 to 18 May, researchers presented the results of their respective studies on a disease that affects woman in two and nearly one in five men after age 50.

Osteoporosis is commonly seen as purely a disease of women, men have little awareness of its dangers. The IOF has therefore decided that the World Day against osteoporosis 2004 (October 20) will focus on osteoporosis in men.

Professor John Bilezikan from Columbia University in New York, has insisted on "the lack of studies and reports osteoporosis in men," despite the discovery of a gene responsible for bone fragility.

According to studies conducted in France and Germany, the risk of fractures in men could be reduced by the simultaneous use of vitamin D and risedronate, a substance widely used in the women osteoporosis treatment.

"Among men with a level of vitamin D less than 25 micro gram per litre of blood, the risk of bone loss are two times higher than among those whose rate is higher than normal," said Dr. Pawel Szulc of INSERM in Lyon.

As to risedronate, "according to our data, we can conclude it is also very effective in humans," said Dr. Johann D. Ringe of the University of Cologne.

It is interesting to note that it is possible to find a cause osteoporosis in men cases. The alcoholism, dysfunctional hormonal or taking steroids contribute to bone fragility.

There is however a flat all these scientific advances. According to a study Venezuelan men stop their own osteoporosis treatment after only a few weeks, although it would need two years to test the real effectiveness. It seems that the image of a disease typically female is still well rooted in people's minds.

Preventing Osteoporosis : The Search For Optimum Efficiency

wo large-scale studies are being launched, to compare the effects on bone mineral density of two osteoporosis drugs. The alendronate and risedronate are known for their preventive action against the disease.

However, their comparative effectiveness when used for curative purposes has not yet been assessed. One of these studies called FACT will be confined to U.S. territory.

The other, largely internationalized, our clinical research will be widely represented since 9 French teams will participate, providing one of the strongest contingents of patients.

Each will bring together 800 postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis proved. Each patient will receive once a week and 1 year, one or other of the two drugs. The results obtained with these two approaches will be compared and the first results should be published in two years.

Already today, one in three women between 60 and 70 years is suffering from osteoporosis. And if the disease causes a fracture every 30 seconds in Europe, it continues to grow and the majority of women is neither osteoporosis diagnosed nor treated….

For Professor Yves Maugars CHU de Nantes, for example, "it is now estimated that fewer than one in 10 with a fracture related to osteoporosis treats his illness! "

Learning To Manage Osteoporosis For A Full And Active Life

his is for those who come to learn that they are grappling with osteoporosis and those who wonder about how to manage osteoporosis.

It is the fruit of collective wisdom after many people who have adapted to their osteoporosis diagnosis and who now live a full and active life.

The osteoporosis diagnosis has a significant effect.

The osteoporosis diagnosis causes anxiety in most sufferers. Their concerns are often linked to fear of suffering a bone fracture - or another fracture if osteoporosis has been diagnosed as a result of a fracture.

This anxiety is usually accompanied by negative thoughts : "Will I shrink ? Will I fall ? Can I get out safely ? Could I one day participate in recreational activities my favorites ? I can hardly execute my household chores without seeking the help of others. "

If you let slip into melancholy, dark ideas will lead you to loneliness, depression and distress. The fear of losing its autonomy because of a physical limitation leads to depression.

That is why it is important to consider rather what you can do. Remember that many people with osteoporosis condition to lead a life of both full and active.

Thanks to osteoporosis medication and appropriate changes to their lifestyle, people come to reduce the osteoporosis risk of fracture and, in some cases, increase bone mass. This is a challenge sobering positively!


Is It Prevents Osteoporosis ?

omen with osteoporosis should consider various therapeutic measures, such as :
  • Attend a osteoporosis drug treatment prescribed by their doctor to maintain their bone mass and relieve pain
  • Modify their diets, especially consume more foods rich in calcium
  • Change their lifestyle to limit their consumption of caffeine, alcohol and soft drinks and stop smoking
  • Make daily physical activity focusing on exercises with put in charge modify their environment at home or to work to prevent falls.

Women wishing to prevent osteoporosis. For this, they must make informed decisions about their activities to promote health. As they play many roles in society, they have little time to participate in such activities.

Learn to change your diet and your physical activity level. Learn how your lifestyle can prevent loss of bone mass and reduce your osteoporosis risk of suffering painful fractures.

Bone is living tissue, which is transformed and renewed continuously. This process occurs in two stages. The first is bone resorption. Cells called osteoclasts busy on the surface of bone and dissolve the bone, creating a cavity.

The second step is bone formation. Other cells, osteoblasts, fill the cavity with new bone.

Osteoporosis results from an imbalance between resorption and formation of bone tissue. You can treat osteoporosis, and in most cases, prevent osteoporosis !

During childhood, the body form more bone than it destroyed, so that bones become larger and denser with time. Adolescence is the period's most important training bones.

Once the body has reached its maximum size, bones can become even more dense. The calcium intake and physical activity contribute to a large extent the health of bones.